czytano 1193 razy

OLTEN (CH) 11.12.2011 - klubowa

Sędzia: Lynn Strudwick (psy), F.A. Whyte (suki)


klasa szczeniÄ…t:

1. Black Peninah Arfinn - wo

2. Neala's Only U - wo

3. Puddlefan Nelson - wo

Iago Black Diamond's Kiron - wo

Bracken Ridge Enchanted Shadow - wo

klasa młodzieży:

1. Double Chocolate Z Mokre Hory - dosk, jCAC 

2. Flatgold's Blustery Blizzard - dosk, res.jCAC

3. Guinnes-Gonzo Ashes Of St. Helens - dosk

4. Plainfire's Get Smart - dosk

Camwood Remington Steele - dosk

Rudskog's November Rain - dosk

Dagny Save Me Starlight over Röthlismountain - dosk

Miss Mallory's Favourite Dancer - bdb

Twilight Star's Touch Of Class - bdb

Acestar Bombardier - bdb

Hopevalley Morning Marvel - bdb

Ripas Vasco for Sunny Vineyards - bdb

klasa pośrednia:

1. Whizzbang's George & Dragon - dosk, CAC

2. Kvicksans Life Is Life - dosk, resCAC

3. Sweet Macchiato Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury - dosk

4. Neala's Nat King Cole - dosk

Whitch Hunt's Foxy Fudge - dosk

Neala's Mack The Knive - dosk

Boomer Let's Have Fun of Blackberry-Forest - bdb

Sanibelbreeze Artane - bdb

Sanibelbreeze Ayers Rock - bdb

Iago Black Diamonds Iwen - bdb

klasa otwarta:

1. Plainfire's Catch Me If You Can - dosk, CAC

2. Miss Mallory's Never Give Up - dosk, resCAC 

3. Plainfire's Better Then Ever - dosk

4. Twilight Stars Quicksilver Clouds - dosk

Neala's Kestrel - dosk

Royal Silk Black Tulip - dosk

Pino Del Corbezzolo - dosk

Reiko von Betula Pendula - bdb

Plainfire's Expect The Unexpect - bdb

Huntlover's Readymade of Choccolate - bdb

Neala's Koh-I-Noor - bdb

Elton aus Thörishaus - bdb

Plainfire's A Good Penny Worth - bdb

Gingercreek Daily Joker - bdb

Twilight Star's Midsummer Night's Dream - bdb

klasa użytkowa:

1. Comics West Side Story - dosk, CAC

2. Camwood Into The Light - dosk, resCAC

3. Whispring Wind Flying Flapjack - dosk

4. Envy Ashes of St. Helens - dosk

Neala's Let The Sunshine In - bdb

klasa championów:

1. Branchalwood Ciaran Water - dosk, CAC, BOB, BIS

2. Plainfire's Young Diamond - dosk, resCAC

3. Amaro Ashes Of St. Helens - dosk

klasa weteranów:

1. Comics New Blue Chip - dosk, vetCAC 

2. Twilight Star's It Had To Be You - dosk, resvetCAC

3. Twilight Star's Ice Cream - dosk


klasa szczeniÄ…t:

1. Neala's Oops I Did It Again - wo

2. Iago Black Diamond's Kaylah - wo

3. Calzeat Heartbeate - wo

4. Puddlefan Nuala - wo

Puddlefan Nancy - wo


klasa młodzieży:

1. Double Shine Z Mokrè Hory - dosk, jCAC, Junior BOB, BIS Junior

2. Grenadine ashes Of St. Helens - dosk, res jCAC

3. Plainfire's Hole In One - dosk

4. Plainfire's Good Luck Charme - dosk

Iago Black Diamonds Jump For Joy Jill - dosk

Femme Fatale de la Source Aux Elfes - dosk

Twilight Stars The Show Must Go On - bdb

Iago Black Diamonds Joy - bdb


klasa pośrednia:

1. Plainfire's Guess My Name - dosk, CAC 

2. Whizzbang's Queens Head - dosk, resCAC 

3. Neala's Night Flight - dosk

4. Neala's Never Failing Ness - dosk

Ever So Clever Of Dreamlike Star - dosk

B-Cheyenne Black Velvet Of Blackberry-Forest - bdb

Sanibelbreeze Absinthe La Fee Verte - bdb

Twilight Star's Something Special - bdb

Gara vom Dorfbach - bdb

Enya's Enchanted melody of Dreamlike Star - bdb

Fancy Faye of Dreamlike Star - bdb


klasa otwarta:

1. Twilight Stars Part Of My Life - dosk, CAC, BOS

2. Branchalwood Benromach - dosk, resCAC

3. Plainfire's You Pay I Play - dosk

4. Smilla Del Corbezzolo - dosk

Wild Passion Fasten Seat Belts - dosk

Neala's Lilly Of The Valley - dosk

Twilight Star's Q-Tipp - dosk

Twilight Star's Que Sera Sera - dosk

Divine Djuna of Dreamlike Star - dosk

Bracken Ridge Divine China - dosk

Plainfire's Celtic Dream - dosk

Wild Passion Daydream - dosk

Iago Black Diamonds Ebony - dosk

Amity Beauty Of Blackberry-Forest - bdb

Twilight Star's Reach For The Stars - bdb

Neve Nera Del Corbezzolo - bdb

Dark Devotion Ripling Romance - bdb

Iago Black Diamonds Gill - bdb


klasa użytkowa:

1. Gingercreek Daily Daiquiri - dosk, CAC 


klasa championów:

1. Plainfire's Any Reason To Run - dosk, CAC 

2. Black Amanda's Event Of The Year - dosk, resCAC

3. Plainfire's Zone Of Fire - dosk

4. Twilight Star's Nothing Compares 2U - dosk


klasa weteranów:

1. Plainfire's Ready To Run - dosk, vetCAC

2. Neala's Annie Get Your Gun - dosk, res vetCAC 

3. Roughcovers Little Mermaid - dosk

4. Plainfire's Pick Up A Lot - dosk

Wichita Xclusive - dosk


rok 2011

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